Range Rules

This is a public archery range - all persons must without exception operate under the following rules. These rules are mandatory and are for the protection and safety of all archers. If you observe unsafe behavior, report it immediately to the Range Master, a Park Ranger or LAPD (LAPD Park Police at 213-978-4600).

Short Range (Covered Range)

  • Enter and shoot at your own risk
  • Archers are expected to be courteous and cooperative on the range at all times
  • Broadheads & crossbows are strictly prohibited
  • Dogs are not allowed near the shooting lines and must be on a leash at all times
  • No running or playing on the range
  • Smoking is not allowed on the range
  • No alcohol is permitted on the range
  • No loud talking, noises, or musical devices allowed
  • All shooting must be done from the 18 meter shooting line unless a WPA authorized class is in session
  • Archers must straddle the shooting line (one foot on each side)
  • Arrows must always point downrange
  • Skydraws are not allowed
  • When done shooting, step off the shooting line so that other archers know you are done
  • Instruction by WPA Authorized instructors ...

Whistle Commands

2 Whistle Blasts: Straddle the shooting line
1 Whistle Blast: Begin Shooting
3 Whistle Blasts: Retrieve arrows
5+ Whistle Blasts: EMERGENCY! Cease fire, unload, and do not move. Wait for further instructions.

Verbal Commands

CLEAR: When all archers are done shooting, anyone may call CLEAR. All archers should repeat CLEAR, and then retrieve arrows
RANGE IS HOT: When the range is busy/crowded, this command tells archers they may begin shooting again. CHECK CAREFULLY that no archers are down range ANYWHERE before issuing this command or shooting.
CEASE FIRE: This is an emergency and everyone must stop shooting, remove their arrows from the bow, and carefully observe the range for what the situation may be. Wait until the person calling a CEASE FIRE gives the OK to resume.

Safety is our top priority! All archers are responsible for safety!

All archers may ask any archer to stop doing something that is unsafe and to read and follow these rules. Additional rules and procedures may be posted anywhere on the range by the WPA board AND MUST BE FOLLOWED. Any archer refusing to shoot safely may be asked to leave. To enforce these rules, if necessary, archers may call: Office of Public Safety: 323-912-7390. The Wildlife reserve address is 6350 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA, 91406

Long Range

All archers are to shoot from the designated shooting line only. No exceptions.

No archer may shoot if another archer is down range. All persons must be clear of the down range area before shooting can commence. No exceptions.

IMPORTANT - RULES FOR RETRIEVING ARROWS There are two outdoor ranges, a West Range and an East Range. The West range has long distance targets and the EAST range has shorter distances.